Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Immigration and multiculturalism

Since the time of olden Rome, the city has always been a site for colonization. This once extensive to all reaches of the Roman Empire, but was more cramped to the rest of Italy in later centuries, as Rome's political power waned. Still, many of its citizens' families invent from outside the city, and the Romanesque phrase Romano de Roma has been coined to indicate someone who descends from a family that has lived in Rome for at least seven generations, the mark of a "true" Roman.

Over the next half of 20th century, Rome has seen rising immigration from other countries. There currently is an important immigrant population, including a great number of clandestine. The 2005 ISTAT estimations state that 145,000 immigrants live in the commune, or 5.69% of the total commune inhabitants. The foreign population in the metropolitan area of Rome consists in 206,000 persons, or 5.37% of the total urban area population. The foreign population in the metropolitan area of Rome is about 248,000 persons or 4.67% of the whole metropolitan area population. By far the largest number of immigrants is Eastern European, with the largest figures of foreigners coming from Romania, The Philippines, Poland, Albania, Peru, Bangladesh, and Ukraine.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Hygiene is the maintenance of healthy practices. In modern terms, this is usually regarded as a particular orientation to cleanliness. The word Hygiene originates as a reference to Hygieia, who was a daughter of Asclepius and the deity of health, cleanliness and sanitation. The related term personal grooming means to improve one's physical appearance or appeal for others, by removing obvious imperfections in one's appearance or civilizing one's hygiene.

Outward signs of good hygiene take in the absence of visible dirt or of bad smells. Since the expansion of the germ theory of disease, hygiene has come to mean any perform leading to the absence of harmful levels of microorganisms.

Good hygiene is a support to health, beauty, comfort, and social interactions. It directly aids in disease prevention and disease segregation.

Washing is the most common instance of hygienic behavior. Washing is often done with soap or detergent which helps to eliminate oils and to break up dust particles so they may be washed away.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Clothing as social message

Social messages sent by clothing, garnishes, and decorations can involve social status, profession, ethnic and spiritual affiliation, marital status and sexual availability, etc. Humans must know the code in order to be familiar with the message transmitted. If different groups read the same item of clothing or decoration with different meanings, the wearer may aggravate unanticipated and/or unwanted responses.
The manner of intentionally constructing, assembling, and wearing clothing to convey a social message in any culture is governed by current fashion. The rate at which manner changes varies; easily modified styles in wearing or accessorizing clothes can alter in months, even days, in small groups or in media-influenced modern societies. More extensive changes, that may require more time, money, or effort to effect, may cover generations. When fashion changes, messages from clothing change.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


A volcano is a rupture in the Earth's surface or crust, allowing hot, usually molten rock, ash, and gases originating profound below the surface to periodically escape. Volcanic activity connecting the extrusion of rock tends to shape mountains or mountain-like features over time.

Volcanoes are usually originated where two to three tectonic plates deviate or congregate. The mid-oceanic ridges, like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, are typical examples of different tectonic plates where volcanoes are formed, whereas the Pacific sphere of Fire is a typical example of volcanic activity on convergent tectonic plates. Where two tectonic plates slide past one another volcanic activity is generally not found. In zones of prolonged crustal expansion and thinning within crustal plates, non-hotspot intraplate volcanism can be caused by decompression of the upper layer without either of the above processes acting.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

History of computing

The query of which was the earliest computer is a difficult one. The very description of what a computer is has changed over the years and it is therefore unfeasible to definitively answer the question. Many devices once called "computers" would no longer qualify as such by today's standards.
Originally, the term "computer" referred to a person who performed arithmetical calculations often with the aid of an automatic calculating device. Examples of early mechanical computing devices included the abacus, the slide rule and arguably the astrolabe and the Antikythera device. The end of the middle Ages saw a reinvigoration of European mathematics and engineering, and Wilhelm Sticker’s 1623 device was the first of a number of powered calculators constructed by European engineers. In 1837, Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and plan a fully programmable mechanical computer that he called "The Analytical Engine". Due to limits of finances, and an inability to resist tinkering with the design, Babbage never really built his Analytical Engine.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Building construction

Building construction for several apartment blocks. The blue material is insulation cladding and will be enclosed with bricks. Building construction is the procedure of adding structure to real property. The vast majority of building construction projects are small renovations, such as addition of a room, or renovation of a bathroom. Often, the owner of the property acts as laborer, paymaster, and design team for the entire project. However, all building construction projects include some elements in common - design, financial, and lawful considerations. Many projects of unreliable sizes reach undesirable end results, such as structural collapse, cost overruns, and/or litigations reason, those with experience in the field make detailed plans and maintain careful mistake during the project to ensure a positive outcome.
For projects of large size and/or unusual type, the owner will likely set up a team of workers and advisors to create an overall plan. This ensures that the project will proceed in an orderly way to an attractive end. While no set list would establish what is needed or advisable for a particular project, regularly used advisors include mortgage bankers, accountants, lawyers, insurance brokers, architects, and engineers. While their roles overlap, each area of expertise addresses an element of what will be affected by the building construction project.

Sunday, November 5, 2006


Oxbridge is a name used to refer to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the two oldest in the United Kingdom and the English-speaking world. The name is a portmanteau of the two universities' names.
In the Times Higher Education Supplement's university league table Cambridge and Oxford are ranked respectively as the second and third best universities in the world. In a survey name up to 30 universities which they considered the best research institutions in their field, Cambridge came first, and Oxford second, leaving Harvard - which tops the overall table - in third place.
Oxford and Cambridge were founded more than seven centuries ago, the name is relatively young. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, this is the first recorded instance of the word, but it did not enter common usage until the middle of the 20th century. The book also introduces the term Camford as another portmanteau of the university names; although this term has never achieved the same degree of usage as Oxbridge.
Other portmanteaux are occasionally derived from the term "Oxbridge" which is used as the name of an annual sports tournament, which is used as the name of a history group collaboration. However, such terms are only used for specific groups, and none has achieved widespread use.
There is a tradition of members of Oxford and Cambridge referring to each other's university as Social critics in the United Kingdom also sometimes use as shorthand for the dominate government, education, and other institutions.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Globalization and Privatization

One of the most hazardous aspects of unprofessional and unhindered globalization is the privatization of key publicly held companies to MNCs at prices lesser than what it would receive to set up a new business in that field. On a selective basis, globalization indeed brings in new technology and conflict to globalization is not tantamount to becoming scientifically secluded from the rest of the world.

In other words, if we let the Cokes and Pepsis of the world to come in, the INTELs, the AMDs, and the CISCOs will follow. By privatizing oil and gas companies and other vital infrastructure related companies - India's vital interests will be even more controlled by foreign happiness that could disrupt on the facility of India to take the best decisions vis-à-vis protecting its monarch rights and interests.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Research Animal Rights

The frantic and the high tech world we live in today have progressed through a series of life altering changes throughout the last couple of centuries. Nearly all of this progress can be traced back to the advancement of technology. The Technology has allowed humans to do everything from flying an airplane to creating clones. Ahead with the economical and educational benefits of technology, medical advances have soared. This has been raised by one of the most debated and biggest moral questions: “is it really necessary to take the lives of animals in the name of science and for the betterment of humanity?” While some social groups think animals should have the same rights as humans, the undeniable truth is that animal research is too important to all species in our world to be stopped.
Through the entire 20th century medicine as experienced phenomenal success and this can be attributed mainly to technology and the brilliant minds that applied it to medicine. Anyway, the advancement of medicine and human health has not come without cost. To find new and more efficient forms of treatments, scientist sacrificed many animals in their testing and research.
Many more changes are needed in our current methods of research. For the human beings this topic of death is still being debated, but animals are put to sleep every day when their owner or veterinarian decides the quality of the animal’s life will be too low for it to continue to survive.

Friday, October 13, 2006


What the fear we have is not suffering or even death….. And what we fear is that we have wasted life ….
That our highest calling will may go unanswered” one day in a dream I met the most beautiful soul She whispered “do you know what your purpose of being a human being“. So try to fill the world with your awareness I remember thinking not too terribly long ago that I knew everything and I had it all figured out. I have traveled to many different places through out the world. Two years ago I began to realize the world is not all about me and my life, and what mood I happen to be in at the time. I need a family of my own to carry on that legacy. The lovable memories I have are helping others in their time of need whether it be money or time.
When I first thought about why I might have born and exist or what is my purpose is in life.
My personal contemplation defines the unique meaning of my life, path, passage, journey, quest or adventure. I also donated time to the soup kitchen feeding dinner to the homeless. To live, on this earth; We are just how truly lucky I am that all of the circumstances aligned that I grew up in such a prosperous country, in a wonderful family, with the opportunity to fulfill my dreams. The small box in which I was living in became opened. My parents confirmed me with knowledge to excel in my adult life. And also I was blessed as a child and my parents provided me with the best life that they could give me. I lived in downtown and see people cold and hungry. I am a child augmenting all of the great things my parents have done. During the holiday season seems to be the time where everyone looks around to the needy, although these people need help year round. But, now he might have lost that and it is time for me to take care of him and give back what he has given to me. The country in which we live in today is filled with materialism and over abundance of wealth that other countries could only dream of.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Successful college student:

All over life people are faced with a variety of hurdles. Let us try to know How they choose to overcome these hurdles determines whether they become successful or not, it would be nice if there was an instruction manual to tell one how to be successful, how to overcome these hurdles. Among the most difficult hurdles facing people today is college. For Often times people go into college with their eyes closed tightly, meaning they are totally unprepared for what lye’s ahead. There may be a variety of aspects that determine whether students are successful in college. To meet the basic requirements to enter college, selecting the right courses, learning how to study on the college level, and managing time are all key factors in becoming a successful college student.
And for the enrolment in college, one must first meet the basic requirements of that institution. The requirements for some colleges are more difficult than others. To become a successful student in college, one must choose a college in which they meet the basic requirements. For the most all academically based colleges, a basic requirement is a high school diploma or G.E.D. Some of the colleges base acceptance on the student’s high school grade point average. The colleges with difficult admission requirements are looking not only for the meritorious and intelligent students.
More often, student feels that there just are not enough hours in a day. Often in the time the counselors can send students in the right direction for achieving their goals, as well as helping them to select courses to go along with their intended major.
College courses may require more effort and studying than high school.
When a student is accepted into a college, one of the most difficult decisions is ahead, course selection. BY having a talk with a counselor at this point is extremely helpful for a student. The above are just four examples of the various skills it takes to become successful. And also many classes require several hours per day of studying. Various classes require different methods of studying. The languages English requires writing essays and elaborate reading. Now he or she may faces with choosing his or her major. It all depends upon the students’ interest.

Friday, October 6, 2006

Women and Education:

Acceding women and men equal access to education in light of the Fourteenth Amendment’s pledge of equal protection.
Although taken for granted by many, co-sex educational institutions for higher learning are really just recent occurrences. And For the most part, in the colleges and universities, particularly elite ones, taught either men or women. So the reasons for this separation date back to early American history, when a woman’s place was seen as “in the home.” And In addition, education was seen, though ridiculously, as having detrimental effects on the woman.
And the some of these ludicrous, yet back then “scientific” beliefs, included that women’s brains were smaller than men’s were therefore, making them “less capable of academic learning.” And It was also said that if women utilized their brains at the time of their adolescent years, then their reproductive organs would not develop correctly causing possible sterility.
The motherhood has always been seen as a strong link for women to their personal identities. However, the greatest oppression would be to threaten its existence.
Take an example, in 1971 after a congressional hearing reported that in Virginia 21,000 women and no men were turned down for admission to state schools. The court usually applies this test with gender-based classifications and those involving illegitimate children. And it was not until recent decades that the Court finally let up with the concept that the equal protection clause was the “last resort of constitutional arguments”, as stated by Justice Holmes in 1927 (Buck v Bell). Though the intermediate scrutiny test is based on a substantive evaluation reviewing the governmental policy’s wisdom and intentions. And from as early as 1955 when Adlai Stevenson; addressed the Smith College graduating class and urged them not to define themselves by “any profession and to participate in politics through the role of wife and mother. Whether an institution did not comply with the law, the government might delay awards of money and the revoke current awards or debar institutions from eligibility for future awards. As to the emergence of the Women’s Liberation groups in 1968 as a “spin-off” of the male- run student movement. So VMI was founded in 1839 with the mission of producing “citizen-soldiers. So a situation came as women have had to prove that they are equals of men.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Women on television

The quality of television programme has become a national disgrace. The Young women who are displeased with their appearance more likely then not can trace those feelings directly back to images from the media on television. Those unrealistic representations of women that the media bombards young women with indicates that the television has become a source for a distorted understanding of gender roles among adolescent women. The images which are warping the young women's views of their own gender identity. The media on television which should in an attempt to provide more positive gender identities for adolescent women depict women on television in more realistic ways, should stop reinforcing negative stereotypes of women, and stop portraying women as sex objects in advertising.
Subsequently, the advertisers see women as parts. Teenage girls – they should be represented on television as being able to have serious conversations and feeling that their brains are as important as their looks. The result of these images is that these ideas create competition among women and divides women. Women should be represented as more than the standard stereotypical negative and simplified character viewers who generally see. The media especially television often focus on legs, breasts and mouth of a woman, so in essence women are looked at in pieces. Women are need to be shown in occupations that are not the stereotypical, such as the occupations of nurse, maid, sales assistant, or models. Although, the girls who are coming in advertisements are often seen playing house while little boys are seen with trucks and action figures. The television should represent traditional views of society. For all the above said reasons, society should have a deep concern with the gender roles that young women are learning from television. Often Women has been shown as only being able to get what they want by using sexuality

Friday, September 29, 2006

Early Stages of a pregnant woman and her health

Pregnancy is not an easy job for a woman. Starting from conception to birth, a woman's body carries out the most miraculous process of fertilization, implantation and the maturity and growth of her baby (or babies). Her body is her baby's dwelling place for the next nine months (or around 40 weeks) and the occurrences of pregnancy turn into a journey of many new physical feelings. Whether it is first, second, third (or more) pregnancy, her body will respond in a different way to each individual pregnancy. So health of a pregnant woman is very important to be taken care of.

Throughout the first 12 weeks of pregnancy called the '1st trimester’, a woman's body adjust to present a fostering and protective environment for her baby to grow and develop. Seldom, the early signs of pregnancy can make a woman feel puzzled. This may be for the reason that many of the physical signs of in the early hours of pregnancy such as enlarged tender breasts, sensitivity of tiredness, overstuffed and perhaps experiencing spasms and/or pelvic uneasiness can be considered as normal pre-menstrual signs. In all these stages the health of the woman declines because she is not only feeding herself, also her little developing fetus.

They may also sense disgusted or sick, due to morning sickness. It is not unusual to feel unsure about what is 'normal' during the early stages of pregnancy development, and unfamiliar signs or sensations may trigger concerns about the health, of her and baby. It’s been proved by the Gynecologists that every woman's body will react in a different way to being pregnant. Many women find their early pregnancy symptoms very difficult to cope with, both at work and generally.

Due to continuous vomiting and nourishing the fetus the pregnant woman may be exhausted very easily. She has to constantly keep her energetic by maintaining a healthy diet schedule as prescribed by the physicians. She can have more fresh green vegetables and fruit juices to make her feel fresh and energetic. It’s always significant to make sure that she avoids drinking and smoking because whatever she has will be directly absorbed by the baby. Once the fetus starts developing she has to get primed for all the obstacles she has to experience throughout pregnancy. Many psychologists predict that a healthy pregnancy is not only from taking care of the nutrition for the pregnant women, more than that she has to be taken care from all the hassles in her family. It’s the duty of a loving husband to caress her comfortably and keep her happy always throughout the gestation period. This will not only make the woman feel happy and hopeful it will directly lead to the good development of the fetus.