Saturday, July 2, 2011

French Bulldog Puppies

You have to be really careful and be well-informed when buying a French bulldog as is a long term acquisition and the dog is going to be your proud possession for the next ten to twelve years. You can quite often be misled by the glib talk of the local pet shop owner into making a wrong choice. To avoid this, and to make a right choice, you will have to do some research on the qualities of a bulldog with all available information.

The first obvious step is to identify a good French bulldog breeder. Many owners consider breeding their French bulldog as a business proposition and are driven by commercial greed. The breeder has to be reliable and honest in his dealings. In fact even a family dog owner who owns a female French bulldog is a potential breeder when he decides to takes his bitch out for crossing.

You should be in a fit position to ask the breeder some critical questions and also know what the right answers are. For instance, you should be familiar with the general health problems of bulldogs and ask the French Bulldog Breeder pointed questions. Only healthy dogs that meet the breed standards should be allowed to mate.

Dog lovers know hip dysplasia is a common occurrence in bulldogs. If you ask the French bulldog breeder any query relating to this particular disorder, the breeder should be able to produce the OFA hip ratings of both parents of the French bulldog.

It is expected that French bulldog breeders follow a set of ethical rules while breeding. They must ensure that the male and female bulldogs that are to cross, thoroughly examined by a qualified Veterinarian for any genetic disorders. The responsible French bulldog breeder should not allow the mating of closely related bulldogs. As a matter of fact, the population of French bulldogs is rather small and thus there is every chance of incestuous breeding.

The mating should only take place when the dogs are in a relaxed mood and not when they are neurotic or hyperactive. A French bulldog breeder will allow sufficient and reasonable amount of time between two mating sessions of a particular bitch.

A responsible French bulldog breeder will take pride in his pups and will testify for the quality of his pups and even offer a replacement should the pup develop any genetic disease later on. They make a careful assessment of their puppies and sell them either as bulldogs fit for show and for breeding or as pets. The true French bulldog breeder will never shy away from letting you see his puppies and will never put up for sale defective puppies.

French bulldogs are compact, muscular dogs with a smooth coat, solid bone structure and a pug nose. A valued companion and a trusted watchdog, the French bulldog stands 11 to 12 inches tall and ideally weighs around 26 pounds. His head is large and square with round sharp eyes. The tails is short and either straight or screwed. Their skin is quite soft making them very appealing pets.

It is prudent to consult local kennels, dog clubs and bulldog owners before selecting a good breeder as any indiscretion will make you end up with a wrong pet.

French Bulldog Puppies
French Bulldog Puppies
French Bulldog Puppies
French Bulldog Puppies
French Bulldog Puppies
French Bulldog Puppies
French Bulldog Puppies
French Bulldog Puppies
French Bulldog Puppies
French Bulldog Puppies

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


puppies and dogs bite me cute puppies

How many times have you just wanted to tell someone "bite me" ... LOL?

cute puppy picture puppies and dogs funny puppy

Puppies are so cute is a tough job!

pictures of cute puppies puppies and dogs in costumes

Puppies ... I'm too sexy for my fur .... Oh MY!!!!

funny puppies in costumes puppies and dogs

Really ... how many times do I have to tell you how cute puppies are?

german shepard puppies cute puppies and dogs

Puppies ... listen up ... I want to be a policeman when I grow up

golden retriever puppies and dogs

How many "Golden" Puppies does it take to fill a bath tub?

angel puppy Lily puppies and dogs

Cute puppies are the Best!

Top 5 Tips for Puppies

  1. Make sure you puppy proof your home. Puppies are curious little creatures and can find their way into mischief when you least expect it. Get down on your hands and knees and take a look around from your puppies perspective before you ever bring him home. What kind of hazards do you see that might be tempting for your new family member … electric cords, expensive shoes laying around, trash cans that might entice … hmmmm?
  2. Have your puppies “gear” ready. Puppies need bowls for food and water, a collar with a name tag and a leash … he will need a place to sleep … a crate if you decide to do that, or a safe spot for your puppies bed where he won’t be disturbed, grooming supplies and of course toys … the more varied, the less likely he will have to find his own … LOL … like your favorite pair of shoes!
  3. One of the most important puppy care tips … puppies need to be introduced to your family slowly and quietly. Never let small children play with the puppy unsupervised and make sure you show them how to play gently. Puppies are just babies and they need to be confined to one room to begin with where they can get their bearings and feel secure. Do this right and your puppy will be a joy to be around!
  4. Puppies should be introduced slowly to your existing family pets … your new puppy is entering another’s world and this will be a big adjustment for both of them … let things happen naturally.
  5. Puppies need to see a veterinarian. Be sure to take your puppy to a veterinarian for an initial exam. This will reveal any existing health problems, and your pup will get his much needed vaccinations. Follow your veterinarian's recommendation for additional visits.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Popular French Bulldog Owners


Leo and Django
Leo and Django

Christina and Ramon
Christina and Ramon

Reese and Coco Chanel
Reese and Coco Chanel

Martha and her frenchies
Martha and her frenchies

Michelle and Mya
Michelle and Mya

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pet dogs can brains toxic mix

French Bulldog
Pet dogs - Marta Venier and Ronald Hites environmental scientists from the Indiana University consider pet dogs could help sense these compounds, thanks to the attendance of chemical flame retardants in their blood at concentration five to 10 times higher than in humans, but lower than levels found in an earlier study of cats.

Dogs may be improved proxies than cats, they say, because a dog's metabolism is better ready to break down the substances, reports the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

The study centers on the presence of polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the blood of dogs and in gainful dog food, according to an Indiana report.

PBDEs have been widely used as flame retardants in household furniture and electronics tools. The compounds can travel out of the products and come into the environment.

"Even though they've been around for quite a while... The bottom line is that we still need to keep measuring them, particularly in homes," said Venier.

PBDE combinations made up of less-brominated compounds are regarded as more unsafe because they bioaccumulate in animal tissues.

These mixtures were expelled by the European Union and were gladly removed from the US market in 2004, but remain in the environment. Mixtures with more-brominated compounds stay in use in the US, but will be phased out by 2013.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to favor a French Bulldog Breeder

French BulldogYou have to be really careful and be well-informed when buying a French bulldog as is a long term acquisition and the dog is going to be your proud possession for the next ten to twelve years. You can quite often be misled by the glib talk of the local pet shop owner into making a wrong choice. To avoid this, and to make a right choice, you will have to do some research on the qualities of a bulldog with all available information.

The first obvious step is to identify a good French bulldog breeder. Many owners consider breeding their French bulldog as a business proposition and are driven by commercial greed. The breeder has to be reliable and honest in his dealings. In fact even a family dog owner who owns a female French bulldog is a potential breeder when he decides to takes his female dog out for crossing.

You should be in a fit position to ask the breeder some critical questions and also know what the right answers are. For instance, you should be familiar with the general health problems of bulldogs and ask the French Bulldog Breeder pointed questions. Only healthy dogs that meet the breed standards should be allowed to mate.

Dog lovers know hip dysplasia is a common occurrence in bulldogs. If you ask the French bulldog breeder any query relating to this particular disorder, the breeder should be able to produce the OFA hip ratings of both parents of the French bulldog.

It is expected that French bulldog breeders follow a set of ethical rules while breeding. They must ensure that the male and female bulldogs that are to cross, thoroughly examined by a qualified Veterinarian for any genetic disorders. The responsible French bulldog breeder should not allow the mating of closely related bulldogs. As a matter of fact, the population of French bulldogs is rather small and thus there is every chance of incestuous breeding.

The mating should only take place when the dogs are in a relaxed mood and not when they are neurotic or hyperactive. A French bulldog breeder will allow sufficient and reasonable amount of time between two mating sessions of a particular female dog.

A responsible French bulldog breeder will take pride in his pups and will testify for the quality of his pups and even offer a replacement should the pup develop any genetic disease later on. They make a careful assessment of their puppies and sell them either as bulldogs fit for show and for breeding or as pets. The true French bulldog breeder will never shy away from letting you see his puppies and will never put up for sale defective puppies.
French bulldogs are compact, muscular dogs with a smooth coat, solid bone structure and a pug nose. A valued companion and a trusted watchdog, the French bulldog stands 11 to 12 inches tall and ideally weighs around 26 pounds. His head is large and square with round sharp eyes. The tails is short and either straight or screwed. Their skin is quite soft making them very appealing pets.

It is prudent to consult local kennels, dog clubs and bulldog owners before selecting a good breeder as any indiscretion will make you end up with a wrong pet.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why French bulldog puppies are most attractive breeds

French bulldog puppies are the most adorable pets by the breeders and their owners. They love to grab lot of concentration from their owners and loved peoples. To have French bulldog puppy is fun and to be with them is more fun. They consider you with their cute looks. Little Franchise’s small coat with fur which runs from the nose and over the body is what most holders’ love to have them.

Brushing and training them is one of the best experiences that you are going to have. They are calm in their approach and bark only when it is essential. Little frenchie are more bright in doing the task. Most owners love their French bulldog puppies because they are short in size with strong muscular body with good character.

Daily exercise needs for them are also negligible. Frenchie’s love indoor environment and are measured as best in house pets. They are more loyal towards their owners. Frenchie like to mingle with the other breeds and your child too is going to have the best buddy pet and friend. Communication between your child and French bulldog puppy should be under the control of an adult or the owner.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Interesting Views of French Bulldog Puppies

  • Do French bulldogs make good pets and companions?

    The French bulldog makes an admirable companion; the frenchie requires very little exercise and is very easy to clean.

  • Do French bulldogs make good guard dogs?

    The frenchie can make a brilliant guard dog due to its protective and defensive traits.

  • Are French bulldogs good with children?

    All dogs should be watched cautiously when around children however the frenchie is usually good around children.

  • Are French bulldogs easy to train?

    The French bulldog does like to please its owner though they can be stubborn and hard headed, if you make the teaching into a game then they are more inclined to learn earlier.

  • Doe’s the French bulldog bark a lot?

    The French bulldog is rather a quiet dog who normally isn’t regarded as a barker.

  • I live in an apartment; will it be big enough for a French bulldog?

    French bulldogs are an brilliant breed for an apartment as they don’t take up too much room and don’t need a lot of exercise; of course you should always give your dog a walk every day and let it enjoy the fresh air and get some exercise.

  • I heard French bulldogs suffer from breathing problems?

    Sometimes a French bulldog will have laboured or noisy breathing, their smaller nose openings can sometimes exaggerates their already noisy character.

  • Do French bulldogs shed a lot of hair?

    The French bulldog has shorter hair and is single covered which means they shed less than many other breeds * Are French bulldogs easy to breed? Support may be needed from a vet as the French bulldog can sometimes be tricky to breed logically; it is one breed that is harder to breed than many others.

  • Are there any exacting problems during birth?

    Due to the form and size of the French bulldog puppy’s head most puppies are in fact born by caesarean section with the help of a vet, they are not one of the easiest breeds to type and often need help when giving birth. You should think very cautiously before attempting to breed and deliver puppies yourself.

  • Is the French bulldog easy to housetrain?

    As is the case in all breeds of dog some are easier to discipline then others, try to hearten them to use a certain area within the home after they eat, ahead of they sleep and first thing on waking.

  • I heard the French bulldog snores?

    Due to problems with the breeds breathing deficiencies most French bulldogs will snore when they lay down, but provided that otherwise your puppy or dog is healthy then this is just a normal trait with the French bulldog.

Friday, February 18, 2011

French Bulldog Puppies and all about the issues related to raising up a pup!

Bringing a new puppy to your home as a new member of your family is a wonderful experience that everyone should feel it. Kids love puppies very much and when it is French bulldog puppies their love will reach peak level. As your neighbor will be having pups as a pet, now it is your turn take part of this joy and fill hearts of your family members with puppys love.

But before you bring your first dog, French bulldog puppies there are some issues that you must be aware of. Such issues you must keep in your mind before making any commitment in raising up another life in your home no matter what pet you bring in.

Following are some issues which you will come across while raising French bulldog puppies or any breed of dog(s).

Puppies Will Ask For Plenty Of Time Invested
To rise up a puppy is similar to rising up a toddler. They would ask for constant supervision from an adult of home. You are required to spend your plenty of time in training and housebreaking activities. Once your puppy has become familiar with basic training activities it will still require guidance and supervision of an adult.

To keep your pup always busy and active then placing some toys which are specifically designed for them will be the best choice. Another option which you might go with it is to buy two dogs. This will help animals to keep themselves entertained.

Train your kids too
Training up your kids on how to take care of puppy will help both of them (i.e.) your kids and puppies to have a better conversation. Kids are kids and they would surely carry on some mislead activities which be playful for them but it will be hurting to your small pup. Hence to avoid this situation training up kids is very important. Teach your kids on how to handle the pet. Allow them to interact and play but under your (i.e.) adult supervision only. Such training will make your kids a responsible puppy care taker and they will feel proud of themselves.

Taking part in puppy classes which is conducted by professional trainers will help you and your child to learn various facts on how to take care of puppy and as and when they grew up.

Remember Puppies Will Never Stay Small Forever
You will be amazed to know that there are many dog owners who have given up their dog just for the simple reason that pup has grown up. People use to bring puppies at their home with full enthusiasm. But as the days pass they avoid the same pup for the reason that it has started to grow up.

Thus before you buy any puppy it is your duty to find out how big the pet will grow when it turns into an adult stage.

French bulldog puppies will ensure you to provide a best companionship. When they turn into adult stage they would never grow as big as the other breed of dogs grew up.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pet Trend Week - New York

French Bull dog PuppiesMany have heard of the trend shows held and attended by the who’s who of the personality and fashion world. One of the main circuits is known as the New York Fashion Week that allows experienced and increasing fashion designers to showcase their pieces. An even more charming show is the Pet Fashion Week in New York that is a viewing of pet fashion and accessories.

Many accept heard of the look shows fascinated and abounding by the who’s who of the celebrity and exterior world. One of the capital circuits is usual as the New York Appearance Week that allows acclimatized and ascent appearance stylish to advertise their pieces. An even added attractive appearance is the Pet Appearance Week in New York that is a believer of pet look and accessories. Pets accept become a allotment of abounding people’s lives and as such accept become share of the ancestors that aswell deserves to be counsel and comfortable occasionally.

The Pet Appearance Week in New York is an anniversary appearance that showcases clothes, accessories and pet accessories that will accept your pet ambience the form trend in your area. This action is one of two getting fascinated in the year 2010 with the added appearance getting captivated in Sao Paolo, Brazil in the ages of April. The Pet Appearance Week in New York will be captivated in the ages of August.When one visits the website of the appearance and display for pets they will be able to gaining out about the exhibitors, the agenda of the said event, and adaptation choice for the beastly and beastly guests and aswell the support of the show.

These sponsors cover Pet Elite, Modern Dog, Fido and wealthy other pet companies and magazines. One is able to form the access rules forth with data on added race to be captivated alongside, pet, the Pet Appearance Week in New York, like the parties and beastly associate galas. This is absolutely an accident of its own loving and able-bodied account it for pet owners.

Various types of bulldog puppies are available here - French bulldog puppies

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Incredible Frenchies!

18 Essentials about French Bulldogs!

The Significant Frenchie:
  1. Frenchies have been unreal by a few very famous individuals during history with King Edward VII, Toulouse-Lautrec, the family of Tsar Nicholas Romanov and Empress Aleksandra, and the author Colette.

  2. An unlucky French Bulldog was a traveler on the Titanic. It is said that the dog was insured for $750! A huge amount at that time (1912)!

  3. French Bulldogs were in the top 5 most accepted dog breeds among 1909-1914.

  4. Frenchie Factoids:

  5. Initially Frenchies had both “bat” (the upright, round ears we are used to) and “tulip” ears (folded over ears). It was American fanciers of the breed who maintain that the “bat” ears were actually the correct verification, which carried over into the breed standard.

  6. French Bulldogs come in a mass of colors. According to the AKC standard, familiar colors include brindle, fawn, white, brindle and white, and any color except those which result in ineligibility. Colors that effect in ineligibility are solid black, mouse, liver, black and tan, black and white, and white with black.

  7. Because of their Bull and Terrier roots, some Frenchies can be level to dog attack. Often this comes in the form of dislike of the same gender (but not always). Socializing young French bulldog puppies with other dogs is always a fine idea. Spaying and Neutering can also aid in curbing hormone based power.

  8. French Bulldogs can be inflexible during training, but they respond well to positive support. Make preparation into a game and you’ll have more success!

  9. Frenchies are companion dogs and thus make great companions for residence dwellers. They do need a few short walks a day and will be happy playing in the house. They will be happier calming with you on the couch!

  10. French Bulldogs are usually good with children, but because of their compact, muscular nature they can knock unsteady youngsters over. Any dog should be monitored with young children.

  11. Most French Bulldogs snore due to their flat looks.

  12. French Bulldogs can NOT live outdoors! Since of their brachiocephalic (short nosed) build they are unable to control their body temperature and can simply overheat. Care must be taken to keep them cool in the hotter months. They are improved off walked in the cool hours of the day then left at home to fall out in the comfort of the A/C or a fan.

  13. Care must be taken to keep your Frenchie safe if you have a pool. Because the breed is quite top heavy, they have a very hard time swimming and will often go under. Pools need to be held and devices to alert that your pet has fallen in can be placed on the collar. Pet life vests are also a safe way to guard your pet from drowning. Pets should never be left unattended poolside.

  14. French Bulldogs have earned the pet name “Frog Dogs” due to the way they lay with their back legs splayed out behind them.

  15. Frenchie Fitness Facts:

  16. French Bulldogs are flat to hip dysplasia, luxating patellas,Von Willebrand’s disease (a clotting disorder), allergies and eye disorders. Honest breeders will often CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation) screen potential breeding dogs to keep from passing optical issues on to puppies.

  17. French Bulldogs can be aware to anaesthesia. Make sure you discuss this with your Veterinarian before any process that would require your Frenchie to “go under”.

  18. Since Frenchies are prone to allergies, they should be fed high worth diets with no artificial colors or preservatives. Fillers and low quality ingredients should be avoided as well.

  19. Famed Frenchies:

  20. You can spot Frenchies in a ton of Hollywood movies! (Those faces are meant to be on camera!) Some of these titles include: “From Hell” (Johnny Depp), “Secondhand Lions” (Michael Caine and Robert Duvall) and “Bringing Down The House” (Steve Martin and Queen Latifa). Also there is a shot of a French Bulldog in the movie “Titanic” – the dog is portraying the Frenchie that actually did tour on the doomed ship.

  21. While most people image “Toto” from The Wizard of Oz, to be a Cairn Terrier, in literature the dog was sometimes show as a Frenchie! R.A. Neill who drew the pictures for the books “The Road to Oz”, and “The Emerald City”, pictured Toto as a French Bulldog
To know more about puppies, just click here - French bulldog puppies

Monday, January 24, 2011

Considering The Characteristics Of French Bulldog Pups

Mainly first time French bulldog owners have the dog as puppies. It is rare that one would be in control of an adult French bulldog at the start, but it does happen, particularly those who have rescued them. So when you lastly own a French bulldog puppy, you most possibly would like to train them to make them easier to live with. For the first time French bulldog puppy owner, be warned, if you don’t have a lot of tolerance, this is not the dog for you. They are unwilling learners so you need to have huge patience and diligence with them. You have to develop efficient and short signals to let them know what you want them to do; this should be frequently done every day.

French bulldog puppies also crave notice, and lots of it. More than other dogs, they require human contact and are expressively let down if they don’t get that much human interaction. French bulldogs also play well with other dogs, they are not typically aggressive, but, if you have a small child that would lean to hurt the dog, this would not sit well with them. But usually, they are great companions for families as they are very lovable, playful, very loving, and have pleasant manners.

Also, French bulldog puppies tend to sleep a lot. They try to preserve their energy. With the separate form of their face, they find it very hard to respire so they tend to get tired easily. So don’t get upset if they tend to doze off after a while.

Visit our sit to get more information of French bulldog - French bulldog puppies

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Behavior to Enjoy and challenge in With Your French bulldog

Musical Freestyle - "Doggie Dancing"

Canine Freestyle - also known as "Doggie Dancing", "Musical Freestyle", "Heel Work to Music", or just plain "Freestyle", is an unbelievable ballet between dog and trainer, all set to music.

The team of dog and handler achieve intricate movements timed to the beat of the music they have chosen, with the over all affect of a dance among owner and dog. Musical styles selected range from country to rock or dance. You can do a funny routine, an athletic one, or a fluidly graceful act, all designed to enhance your dog's strongest abilities. Most handlers choose to attire themselves and their dogs in costumes appropriate to the music they have selected. The orders the handler gives to the dog during their performance together are usually subtle verbal cues and hand signals, joint with body language. As routines in Freestyle are performed off lead, a well skilled and reliable dog is essential, and most competitors enter into it from agreement, or at the very least with carefully obedience trained dogs.

Freestyle, as a relatively new sport, is not yet an official Happy Kennel Club occasion in most countries. However a great popular of the handlers take it quite gravely, and there are competitions within the various Free Style Organizations for Best Teams and Performance. We are not alert at this time of any French Bulldogs taking part in Freestyle, so there is no design for this segment. If you know of any person with a French bulldog who takes part in Freestyle, we'd love to hear from them.

To collect more information of bulldogs, visit here - French bulldog puppies

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stone freezing Frenchie jacks a sleigh

"French Bulldogs are indoor dogs, but want air conditioning in humid weather,” "While good at alerting their owners to danger (Look! The UPS Guy is coming!), their key role is that of lap heater. The Frenchie requires minimal train and grooming."